We’ve been hosting volunteers and interns since 2010. Over a hundred amazing folks have stayed on the farm learning homesteading and farm skills, and many have gone on to nurture land and start small businesses of their own. We are open to hosting local volunteers/interns who are the right fit for our scene. You can also check out out joint WWOOF profile with the J.S. Bryant School. Please get in touch for for more information.

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Skillsets we teach:

Organic maple sap and syrup production. Permaculture guilds and design. Basic forestry and chainsaw use. All the firewood. Construction and carpentry. Family cow milking and care. Poultry and egg production. Pasture. Organic production and seed starting most veggies (not okra), potatoes, corn, medicinal and culinary herbs, brambles, fruit trees. Strawberries. Edible wild plants. Preserving all that food. Tractor, truck, and trailer operation. Compost handling. Soil fertility. Fences. Humanure. Milling wood with a portable bandsaw mill. We’ve tried a lot of things, and if we don’t know how to do it, we probably know someone who does- if you want to learn a particular skill- just ask!